question How long does Social Security processing take for a 100% T&P veteran?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
As a 100% T&P vet, I think I've given all the papers Social Security wants, or at least they haven't asked for more. I'm just trying to know how much time this will take because I need to make some money. A lot of what I get now goes to bills, but I have to keep things going.


New member
The time can change depending on how bad your disability is, but I was told to expect about a 24 month wait, and that was about how long it took for me.


Waiting times can be quite lengthy, at times as long or longer than what you'd expect with the VA. It's worth mentioning that working can put your chances of getting SSDI at risk since they often only approve it if you're unable to do any kind of work, including jobs that are mostly sitting down. Your situation is yours to assess, but having a VA rating doesn't automatically mean you'll get SSDI. Even with a TDIU rating, you don't automatically manage to get SSDI.


Board Chair
I don't want to discourage you, but even at the time with TDIU, it took me my 3rd appeal (technically 2nd) and about 10 years to win my SSDI claim.

I was so let down by the first loss that I gave up. In doing so, lost out on a lot of retroactive back pay as time lapsed between the 1st and 2nd claims to only get a partially favorable decision the 3rd time to the date of the 2nd claim. Had I just pressed on and appealed, I would've walked away with heavier pockets.

Keep your spirit high, but stay grounded in reality. If things don't go as imagined, it will be hard, but you can manage. Just keep pressing on.

Hoping the best for you!