question Can a 100% P&T VA rating expedite SSDI applications already in process?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
I understand that having a 100% P&T VA rating can expedite my SSDI application. I live in Illinois, and recently, I was informed by a call that my local office has nearly completed my paperwork, which is now on its way to Springfield for the final decision. They mentioned that this final step might take up to six months. I'm concerned that I may have missed the opportunity to disclose my VA disability status, which could have expedited my claim.

I'm in a situation where moving is crucial for my mental and emotional health. Staying with family offers certain advantages, but it's not without its difficulties. Additionally, the cost of living in Illinois is steep, creating another obstacle that SSDI could solve. An expedited approval of my SSDI claim could greatly help me out.


If you're rated by Veterans Affairs as 100% P&T, follow these instructions for quicker Social Security Administration SSDI application processing.

To get SSA to fast-track your claim, state that you're a "veteran rated 100% permanent & total" when applying. If you're applying online, be sure to mention "Veteran 100% P&T" in the "Remarks" section of your application. Crucially, include the VA's rating letter with any filing method that you chose to use, and for good measure, also attach a written request to expedite your claim based on your VA disability rating.


New member
I respectfully believe you may have misunderstood my question. My SSDI claim is already filed and under process, yet it's expected to take as long as six more months. I'm inquiring whether there's a possibility to fast-track it within its existing queue.


Sorry for not getting your question right. This is a new one for me, got no useful info to share. Still, I wanna say, keep your chin up!