question What can I do if my SSDI onset date isn't what I expected?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


Read the approval letter you received from SSDI, to find any errors or things you think they missed that may help appeal.


You can appeal it. Just be aware you are appealing the entire case so although it’s rare, it could result in a denial.


Board Chair
You can appeal it. Just be aware you are appealing the entire case so although it’s rare, it could result in a denial.
Thanks for elaborating on that.

I didn't like my onset date either, but the onus of that was on me. I didn't submit an appeal on time so I lost about 3 years of retroactive backpay through a partially favorable decision. The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) wanted to connect my case, but he legally couldn't and explained why. I am grateful that he approved my case, and even more that he tried to go beyond for me.

But after the ALJ's explanation, there was no way I was going to appeal it.

Personally, I would take the win. However, I don't have a full picture to assess whether it's worth the risk to take on your part.


New member
Need to run this past an attorney in a consult to check if it's worth the effort.

If there's no major benefit, I'll stick with the given onset date.