question What are the steps in the appeal process for a 70% PTSD rating?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
Tried to get a higher rating for my PTSD, still stuck at 70% though. However, I put in for an appeal. How's this appeal process supposed to work now?


You really need to dig up some new and applicable evidence to back up your VA claim. And remember, landing a 70% disability rating is no small victory, so congrats there.


You really need to dig into that decision letter. It'll break down why you're at 70%, and then you can figure out what's missing to hit that 100% mark.


I'd suggest taking that primary condition's rating and attempting to connect any secondaries you've got before appealing but still stack evidence for a supplemental.

There might be smaller disabilities you haven't thought much about because they're not a major hassle in our lives yet, like:
  • GERD, especially since PTSD meds might trigger acid reflux
  • Prostrating migraines from the stress that anxiety causes
  • Sleep apnea, with PTSD throwing causing sleep disturbances
Worst case, in my opinion, and if they apply to your life and you can get them service-connected, you get two 10% disabilities from those and move up to a combined 80% rating.