question Options when a VA C&P exam date is changed multiple times

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
How long is it okay to keep rescheduling VA C&P exams? My first one was set for January 11th, then moved to January 29th, then February 21st, and now March 1st, all because the examiner's been ill. Is there someone I can chat with, just in case the 4 Mar slot gets pushed again?


New member
QTC managed to knock out one exam, scheduling and finishing it all within a week early last month. But then the VA took over the other claims, and it's been a nightmare ever since. These last-minute changes keep throwing a wrench in my work schedule.


If you're encountering difficulties with your C&P exams or if your exam dates keep moving, reaching out to a VA rep or a VSO might be beneficial. They're equipped to provide assistance and direction during the claims process.