question Identifying key medical record details for a first-time VA claim submission

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
I'm lining everything up to submit my very first claim... Got my hands on my civilian doc's medical records, all 800+ pages of them, and now I'm scratching my head about what exactly the VA wants to see in there.


Only include the documents that are pertinent to the conditions you're claiming. The raters have limited time to assess claims, so making sure the important details stand out is essential.


Only send in the information that's related to your claim, especially if it could help show that it's service-connected.


No need to send all 800 pages, just the parts that are relevant to your specific claim. They're mainly looking for a diagnosis and evidence of a service connection and don't have the time to find the needle in the haystack.


Board Chair
Instead of sending in your medical records, submit the release form for the VA to get them directly from the medical providers. They'll gather the records, ensuring they have an official copy to go off of.

However, many pages of your records may not be related to your claim. To help narrow things down and make it easier on the rater, write a personal statement for your claim that highlights the relevant sections buried in those 800 pages.