question Does a secondary condition like alcohol use disorder increase the primary PTSD rating?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
Hoping someone out there can help me understand this. I received a 70% rating for PTSD in 2021 and recently applied for higher ratings on a few disabilities. During this, I was assessed for "Alcohol Use Disorder or Alcohol Use, unspecified with unspecified alcohol-induced disorder," which is tied to my PTSD.

If they approve this, does that increase my main PTSD rating, or does the secondary condition get its own separate rating? It's confusing, and I just want to know what to expect if this secondary claim related to my PTSD gets approved.


The new disabilities added will be grouped with your PTSD rating. If you meet the requirements, there's a chance your rating could be increased to 100%. If not, they'll still be grouped in your current PTSD rating, but you'll remain at 70%.