question Do Three 20% Ratings Alongside a 100% Rating Qualify Me for SMC?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
I have a 100% rating for one condition and three additional ratings of 20% each. I'm trying to understand if, according to VA's calculations, these combine to 60% for the other conditions, making me eligible for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC). Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


After your evaluations are completed, if you are eligible for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) based on any of the three conditions you claimed, it will be automatically granted.


Adding 20% to another 20% equals 36%, and adding another 20% to that brings you to 49%, which is then rounded up to 50%.


New member
Thanks, @greg!

I was unsure if the additional 60% is added using VA math or if subsequent ratings are added together and considered as 60% after a 100% rating.