
  1. J

    question Does applying for SMC risk a reevaluation of my 100% P&T?

    If I'm rated 100% P&T, does applying for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) mean my entire claim will be reviewed again?
  2. T

    question Do Three 20% Ratings Alongside a 100% Rating Qualify Me for SMC?

    I have a 100% rating for one condition and three additional ratings of 20% each. I'm trying to understand if, according to VA's calculations, these combine to 60% for the other conditions, making me eligible for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC). Any clarification would be greatly appreciated...
  3. PoeticPainter

    Beat the cancer and lose SMC?

    Started off with a 70% for mental health, then cervical cancer bumped me up to the full 100% but paid extra for SMC Now, if I give cancer the boot, do they dial back that 100% and the additional SMC?
  4. PoeticPainter

    question Gettin' over 100% benefits?

    I was already gettin' 70% for mental health stuff, and now I just got 100% for cervical cancer. Seems like I'm gettin' paid more than 100%. Anybody knows why? It's just me and my husband here.