general Do others with 100% P&T face judgment for not working?

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New member
Is there anyone else who's 100% P&T or can live off their disability money, who gets bothered by people for not having a job? I do my best, but I just can't handle a normal job, and it really bothers me when it comes up.


I'm 90%, but paid as 100% IU.

Your first problem was sharing your disability status with anyone.

"I'm a day trader" and "I do alright" if anyone presses me.

"I also don't give financial advice because I don't want to be responsible for other people's actions."

Stop sharing that information, even with people close to you. I know that people can get jealous of that, and that's when these conversations arise. Just stop talking about it and steer the conversation off of it next time.


I usually ignore people or don't tell them I'm not working. To some, I just say I'm retired and let them guess about it.


New member
It got to me at first, but I realized I couldn't do many things I used to be able to do anymore. So, I figured that I shouldn't stress about what other people think of my employment situation, and I don't have to explain anything to them either.