question Do dependents of veterans receive free or discounted dental care like at the VA?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
Just swung by the VA in Kansas City for a dental check-up, didn't cost a dime. Got me thinking, though, about whether our dependents get the same deal or maybe a discount on dental. Not sure if CHAMPVA covers dental or if our dependents can hit up the same dental services we do.

Big thanks for always being ready with the info.


Just so you know, dependents don't get dental coverage for free. But, you can find reasonably priced dental plans on the VA website under VADIP.


It's worth it to mention that many insurance policies don't cover vision and dental, and you often have to get an additional plan for those. Neither Tricare nor CHAMPVA covers vision and dental. However, VADIP provides some reasonably affordable options.