question Can veterans deliver their records directly to the local VA regional office instead of mailing?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


Can a veteran personally take their documents to the local regional office, or do they have to send them to a central records center? I'm helping a veteran with more than 2000 pages of his own records, which the VA can't seem to find, putting his claims at risk of being denied. He's gathered everything, from orders to health records, every time he moved or was deployed. But mailing them to Janesville isn't an option for him, and scanning all those pages isn't feasible because of the price either.


You can take the records to the VA hospital's records department, and they can upload them there. They did it right away for me, but with 2000 pages, it might be much. Your safest bet would be to give the records department a call.


Do all 2000 pages support the claims he's filed? He ought to provide only the documents that directly support his claim.