question Can a 100% P&T rating be reduced after 60 years old?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
Quick question: If you have a 100% rating and it's considered permanent and total, is there a chance they can lower it even if you're over 60?


No rating's completely safe until it's been in place for 20 years. But since you're marked as P&T, the VA won't start any C&P check-ups unless you file a new claim or ask for a higher rating.


Yes, but it's unlikely. I see you mentioned age 60, perhaps referring to the rule for those over 55. However, this rule only suggests that routine future examinations are not recommended for individuals over 55, not that they cannot be re-evaluated. The rule regarding age 55 is often misinterpreted.


Board Chair
Based on the CFR, the answer's no unless you're putting in new claims or if there's any fraud involved.