Search results

  1. DormantDuck

    question Will I get an email confirmation for my intent to file?

    I put in my intent to file online recently. Will they send me an email to let me know they've received it?
  2. DormantDuck

    question How long until a DBQ is accessible to a VSO?

    What is the usual timeframe for DBQs to become visible to a VSO?
  3. DormantDuck

    question What's the timeline for changing direct deposit to a new bank account for VA payments?

    How quickly can you switch direct deposit to a different bank? In one pay period? Is it possible to get my April 1st payment in the new bank if I change it in a few days?
  4. DormantDuck

    question How soon can I file another VA disability claim?

    Can I put in a VA disability claim anytime, or is there a waiting period I have to stick to between submissions?
  5. DormantDuck

    intro Dormant Duck

    Hey everyone! I used to serve in the Navy as a Petty Officer 3rd Class for four years, all on active duty. Unfortunately, I developed hearing issues, problems with both knees, and difficulty sleeping due to my knees always aching. These challenges are starting to impact my once-active daily...
  6. DormantDuck

    question Any advice for speeding up a stalled VA appeal?

    Got a 40% disability rating when I wrapped up my service in Feb 2021. Threw in a ton of evidence for some claims, but they just got denied, so I hit up the appeals process in August 2021. Now, it's been like 2.5 years and my status is still chilling on "waiting for a judge." Is there any move I...