Recent content by GrumpyCat

  1. GrumpyCat

    question Can five VA 0% service-connected ratings combine to equal a 10% rating?

    Has anyone ever heard about five 0% ratings coming together to make one 10% rating?
  2. GrumpyCat

    question Can I still apply for TDIU after initially declining and being denied SSDI?

    When I first asked for VA disability, they said I could get TDIU, but I didn't take it. Now, I applied for SSDI and they said no. I've fixed my papers for them to look again. Can I still try to get TDIU from the VA, or did I miss my chance? It seems like the VA might say yes more easily than SSDI.
  3. GrumpyCat

    question Should I resubmit my claim if it's not visible on the VA website or app?

    Yeah, I touched bases with the VA and was assured by the VA rep that my claim was visible and it would be updated in 2-3 days. However, 5 days have gone by with no changes.
  4. GrumpyCat

    question Should I resubmit my claim if it's not visible on the VA website or app?

    I submitted a claim about three weeks ago and was notified by the VA through mail shortly thereafter. However, I'm unable to see the claim on the website or in the VA app. Is this common, or should I submit the claim again?
  5. GrumpyCat

    question Experiences with VA hospitals versus QTC doctors for C&P exams?

    I've got a C&P check-up at the VA hospital for a few secondary conditions. Before, they had me see QTC docs. What's the good and bad of having the VA hospital docs do the C&P tests? Could this make things faster?
  6. GrumpyCat

    intro My voyage from a 60% to 93% VA disability rating

    Hearing stories like this motivates me. I'm at 70% right now, but I have some claims in that could increase my rating to a rounded 90% or even 100% if everything goes in my favor.
  7. GrumpyCat

    question Any reliable nonprofits for VA claims assistance in California?

    CalVet, or the California Department of Veterans Affairs, focuses on assisting California veterans and their families too.
  8. GrumpyCat

    question Is My 70% Rating Static?

    Thanks for all the quick help!! I'll come back if I need anything else.
  9. GrumpyCat

    question Is My 70% Rating Static?

    How do you know if your rating is static? I'm 58 years old with a combined rating of 70%.