news Senator Cassidy Addresses Vet Center Challenges and Advocates for Veteran Mental Health

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JVHV News — During a hearing in the U.S. Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Senator Bill Cassidy praised the Veterans Affairs decision to allocate $50 million to community organizations for veteran suicide prevention highlighting the significance of Comprehensive Mental Health Care and Upstream Crisis Prevention.

Senator Cassidy stressed the role played by vet centers in connecting veterans, their families, and mental health services. He pointed out that over the year alone nearly 250,000 individuals sought counseling at these centers and emphasized their success in providing social and psychological support, particularly in rural areas.

Acknowledging challenges identified by the GAO and the Office of Inspector General regarding outreach efforts staffing issues and recruitment at vet centers Senator Cassidy expressed an interest in understanding how these centers interact within the VHA. To achieve this understanding and address concerns like mental health care and suicide prevention effectively he announced plans to introduce legislation called VetPAC—modeled after medPAC and macPAC—to help Congress gain better insights into these interactions.

Senator Cassidy pledged his commitment to finding solutions that enable facilities to handle increases in veterans while ensuring comprehensive care. With anticipation for forthcoming testimonies, he concluded by emphasizing his dedication to addressing these important priorities for veterans nationwide.

Watch Cassidy’s full remarks below:
