question Can adding a child as a dependent trigger a reevaluation of ED/FSAD ratings?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
Could an experienced certified claims expert kindly chime in here?

Got a question: if a vet's got a rating for FSAD (that's for women) or ED (for the guys), but then later on they manage to, well, for lack of a better term, produce, and end up getting their partner pregnant (talking about the men here, thanks to sildenafil or something) or get pregnant themselves (for the women), and then they go ahead and "add" the kid (after they're born and got their social security number) as a dependent, does the VA then look at the SC ED/FSAD again and think about taking it off since the vet doesn't seem to show a "loss of use of creative organ" anymore?

Applies to both men and women.

Would it also be like starting a whole new claim, kinda?

Appreciate your time in helping out with this!


It shouldn't. I mean, for all the VAs aware, it could be a stepkid or adopted, right? "Loss of use" doesn't mean it's entirely out of commission.


Having ED or FSAD doesn't stop you from having children, thanks to other physical and non-physical processes that make it possible. Once these disabilities are granted, there's no further review since they're rated below 10%.