question Is It Okay to Have Multiple Buddy Statements From One Person for Different Disabilities?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
As I'm putting together my second claim, would VA raters look down on getting multiple buddy statements from the same person, each about a different disability?


Of course. It's only natural for the same teammates to witness the same incidents, particularly when they're scheduled for duty together. If it's the same group working the same shifts all the time time, who else would be available to write a different buddy letter recounting the events?


New member
My husband's friend witnessed two of his injuries and provided two different statements for each event. He was direct and made the accounts as brief as possible, leaving out any unnecessary details.


Why not? It's normal for people to hang in packs, so having the same person witness two separate happenings isn't out of the ordinary.