question How to Deal With a Claim Denial for Missing a C&P Exam With No Prior Notification?

This is a veteran-related question from a JVHV member


New member
I recently had a claim denied because I missed the scheduled C&P exam. Surprisingly, I never received any notification about the exam by phone or mail. Any suggestions on how to deal with this situation? Thank you!


You didn't get an email with the details of your C&P exam? Every time I got an email two weeks before my C&P exam with all the information about it, such as the time, date, location, and the purpose of the exam.

Did you check your spam folder?


You may want to consider requesting a high level review and highlighting the lack of exam notification. Ideally, if the error lies with them, they would revisit your case due to the notification failure. But, if they have any documentation indicating they attempted to notify you, disputing that can be tricky, as it's quite hard to prove a notification never made it to you.


New member
I'm holding firm on this because I know I wasn't informed about the C&P exam, even by email.

If the high level review gets denied, what other options do I have?