Recent content by Finestal

  1. Finestal

    game Alphabet Soup Forum Game

  2. Finestal

    question Is there assistance for roof repairs for 100% disabled veterans?

    Your insurance will probably take care of events like hail damage, but wear and tear is typically not covered.
  3. Finestal

    discuss Are there any user-friendly migraine log books available?

    That's a pretty good suggestion. My phone often distracts me, and I end up not logging things. A real book might help me remember to note down more stuff.
  4. Finestal

    game Alphabet Soup Forum Game

    Youth It would be nice to be youth(ful) again.
  5. Finestal

    announcement Building a More Inclusive Environment for Veterans and Families

    I noticed the insignia was gone and was wondering about it. Removing them makes sense, especially with dependents coming in to ask about VA benefits.
  6. Finestal

    question Can veterans get their C&P exam copies after the exam?

    You can definitely ask for a copy, but be prepared that they might (and probably will) say no.
  7. Finestal

    question Does TDIU qualify for Section 8 housing?

    Here's an idea: calculate your yearly income by multiplying what you make each month by 12. After that, find the income limits for Section 8 housing where you live. Doing this helps you see if you can apply without guessing.
  8. Finestal

    game Alphabet Soup Forum Game

  9. Finestal

    question Can a VA VHIC ID card grant base access overseas like in the States?

    Often, there are limits on how veterans can use overseas exchanges and commissaries. This is likely up to the base and the agreements with the host nations they're in.
  10. Finestal

    question Is changing the cause for sleep apnea claim treated as new or supplemental?

    Due to the previous denial, all future claims will be a supplemental.
  11. Finestal

    game Alphabet Soup Forum Game

    oatmeal 🤢
  12. Finestal

    question Can you tell me how the 70-40 rule works?

    The 70/40 rule helps determine TDIU eligibility. If a service-related disability stops you from working and you have either a single disability rated at least 60% or multiple disabilities totaling 70% with one at 40%, you could qualify for IU.
  13. Finestal

    general Do others with 100% P&T face judgment for not working?

    Why worry about something so small? It just makes you stressed. Just ignore it and keep going.
  14. Finestal

    question Is Chapter 35 income reportable and taxable by the IRS?

    Currently, the money provided by the VA for Chapter 35 DEA is not taxable. Let's hope that it remains this way indefinitely.